Reviews & Testimonials
Fritz Fey, DRM2 Review “One For All” in Studio Magazin 05/2018
“Good job, without question!” — DRM2 Review (PDF auf Deutsch)
“In the MkII version, DRMeter has evolved into a full blown measuring instrument, which not only promotes its own method of measuring dynamics, but also takes into account the measurement methods and parameters of Loudness standards.”
“It is most welcome when someone thinks creatively about how to measure and appreciate the dynamics of music. Of course, there are already numerous metering solutions…that are serious, standards-compliant examples. MAAT tries to make visible as much information as possible, in parallel with a very complex but nevertheless clear plug-in user interface, all while maintaining a high degree of configurability.”
Alberto Rizzo Schettino, Fundamentals of Mixing || MAAT Digital Core Plug-ins
Schettino has created a comprehensive look at many of our products and how they fit together
Jason Candler (NASA, Gary Lucas, Moby)
“Quite a leap from MkI to MkII, highly impressed with all the new features and usability. Bravo!”
Robert “Bob” Olhsson (Smokey Robinson, Temptations, Steve Roach, Marvin Gaye)
“It’s the first to combine virtually everything I’d want to see!”
César Martins (Rádio e Televisão de Portugal)
“Congratulations for the DRMeter MkII! I will implement the plugin in my workflow here at RTP.
Thank you for developing an awesome tool. This is the best thing in the audio community that could happen! This tool is essential for our work! 👍”
Tony Vincent (artist, musician, songwriter & actor)
This plugin has become my staple for loudness metering on my mixbus…Serious about loudness monitoring? Get this plugin now!!
Kieran Kenderessy (Birds Of Tokyo, Allira Wilson, The Mace Francis Orchestra)
“With other meters, I feel like I’m brutally smashing away at the 0 dBFS ceiling, while DRM2 helps me live inside my mix’s headroom. With DRM2, I intuitively feel how much space I have to play with rather than always watching for peaks.”
Ian Mono (musician & songwriter)
“During mastering, compared it with Nugen MasterCheck and noticed is that DRM2 doesn't consume as much resources and lowers the overall delay in the chain. DRMeter MkII also gives me a much better overall insight into the dynamics of a track. Good work! 😊”
Dave Locke (Digital Underground, Ran Blake, Gunther Schuller)
“This is the best meter I’ve ever used. Dynamic range and LU are important to have and also the ‘MFiT’ feature is really helpful.”
LUCA BIGnardi - 卢卡 (arranger, producer & sound engineer: Andrea Bocelli, Laura Pausini, Eros Ramazzotti)
“Devo dire che DRMeter MKII è il miglior strumento che io conosca per comprendere il Loudness e la dinamica. Basta un colpo d’occhio per capire come stia andando il mix o il mastering. Grazie per averlo creato.”
“I have to say that DRMeter MkII is the best tool I know to understand loudness and dynamics. It only takes a very quick glance to understand how your mix or mastering is going. Thank you for creating it.”
“Dieses Plug-in führte die neue Anzeige DRi ein, die die dynamische Bandbreite eines Mixes anzeigt…Die grafische Oberfläche des Tools ist sehr aufgeräumt und übersichtlich…Neu in DRMeter MkII ist die Dynamic-Deviation-Funktion. Diese zeigt euch den Unterschied der aktuell gemessenen Dichte des Songs zu der Ziel-Loudness.”
“This plug-in introduced the new display DRi, which shows the dynamic bandwidth of a mix…The graphical interface of the tool is very tidy and clear…New in DRMeter MkII is the dynamic deviation function. This shows you the difference between the currently measured density of the song and the target loudness.”
“Ist mein Track laut genug? Habe ich gegen die Konkurrenz eine Chance? Wie laut kann ich meine Musik mastern, ohne dem Loudness War zu verfallen?
Die Frage nach der Lautheit eines Songs stellt sich spätestens im Mastering. Wenn Du deine Musik auf verschiedenen Streaming-Plattformen wie YouTube, Spotify, Tidal, Pandora und Apple Music veröffentlichen möchtest, gilt es noch einiges mehr zu beachten.
Alles, was Du dazu wissen musst, erkläre ich Dir in diesem Video. Ich nutze für das Metering das DRMeter MkII von MAAT.”
“Is my track loud enough? Do I have a chance against the competition? How loud can I master my music without falling for the Loudness War?
The question of the loudness of a song arises at the latest in mastering. If you want to publish your music on different streaming platforms such as YouTube, Spotify, Tidal, Pandora and Apple Music, there is a lot more to consider.
Everything you need to know, I explain to you in this video. I use the DRMeter MkII from MAAT for the metering.”
Daniel Carvalho (Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Marisa Monte)
“I always use MAAT’s DRMeter MkII in my mastering as it’s the only Loudness Meter really crafted for music. I’ve followed MAAT since they began with the Pleasurize Music manifesto, trying to stop the Loudness War. The (PMF’s) idea of albums having a repeatable DR value for dynamic range is still very good, I hope one day more people will adopt it. Now, with music streaming sites normalizing playback volume, it’s even more important to let the artist’s dynamics translate onto the master.
I work with Brazilian music, which has a large amount of vocal content. That makes intelligibility difficult, which is why Brazilian songs need prominent vocals. This makes it even more difficult to achieve the same subjective volume as other works but now, with DRMeter MkII, I can achieve a golden spot for dynamics! I’m much more confident, having lost the fear of being too quiet or too compressed. I now have a lighthouse to follow, and that is DRMeter MkII!”
Krešimir 'Krešo' Bikić (arranger, producer & audio engineer: Array Construct, DIVISION, Zagreb)
“Well, I really, really, rrrrrreally dig it. And for a good reason. It has everything I need, it's just as dynamic as I would code it's behaviour (speed), it gives me coloring freedom, saving setups (Presets), changing on the fly stuff and also resetting stuff and quickly get back to the actual and refreshed readouts.”
Preuzeto u cijelosti iz izvorne poruke korisnika: “Vjerujte mi, ne govorim vam ovo iz razloga jer sam korisnik vašega plug-ina. Govorim ovo jer jednostavno mogu nakon dugogodišnjeg korištenja i iskustva. Na tržištu postoje i drugi alati ovakvoga tipa ali DRMeter MKII je jednostavno rečeno - taj! Korisnik ga jednostavno 'osjeća'. I Brainworx je, samo kao jedna tvrtka na primjer, davno na tržište izdao plug-in za očitanje nivoa signala, dinamičkog raspona itd. Ali nedostaje mu mnogo opcija. Slična situacija je i kod drugih proizvođača. Ili su nepotpuni, ili koriste previše procesorske snage… Ili su im dizajn, preglednost, GUI, izgled, boja slova, alatne trake jednostavno takvi da korisniku nešto na njima ne odgovara. Najgore je kada nalazite jedan ili više od ovih nedostataka u plug-inu a najbitnije su balistika i ponašanje nivoa signala. Osjećaj prirodnosti. Mogao bih ovako nastaviti nabrajati nedostatke tko zna koliko dugo…DRMeter MKII je jednostavno - 'pravi'!”
Taken in full from the user’s original message (in Croatian): “Believe me, I’m not telling you this because I’m a user of your plugin. I say this because I simply can after many years of use and experience. There are other tools of this type on the market, but DRMeter MKII is, simply put - the one! The user simply ‘feels’ it. And Brainworx, just as one company for example, long ago released a plug-in to the market for reading signal level, dynamic range, etc. But it lacks many options. The situation is similar with other manufacturers. Either they are incomplete, or they use too much processing power…Or their design, visibility, GUI, appearance, font color, toolbars are simply such that the user does not like something about them. The worst is when you find one or more of these flaws in a plug-in, and the most important are ballistics and signal level behavior. A feeling of naturalness. I could go on listing the disadvantages like this for who knows how long…DRMeter MKII is simply - ‘real’!”
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